About Us



Given the situation in Israel and the influx of reservists heading to fight for our people, we have recognized the critical need to support American reservist soldiers whose families will be left without their primary breadwinner. We are in the process of establishing an organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to these families, covering essential expenses such as mortgages, electric bills, food, and medical costs. The Davis Memorial Fund has kindly agreed to handle the administrative aspects of our organization, ensuring that funds are allocated appropriately.

It’s anticipated that out of the 5,000+ American reservists, approximately 500 to 800 families will meet the qualifications for our assistance. These qualifications will include families with children whose father or mother has gone to Israel to fight for the freedom of our people.

Working in partnership with the Davis Memorial Fund, we will implement a vetting program to ensure that the financial support reaches those who genuinely need it.

It’s important to note that 100% of all contributions made to this organization will be used exclusively for this purpose. Since we’re utilizing the Davis Memorial Fund for administrative support, there will be no overhead costs.

Lastly, for full transparency, we will be sending daily communications to all our donors regarding all fund allocations. This is to ensure trust and demonstrate the impact we are making in the lives of everyone who is fighting for our safety and security –

Together as one nation, Let’s ease the minds of the families and soldiers who are fighting for us by ensuring that their families are taken care of. This will allow them to focus on the war against our people.

Am Yisroel Chai💪🏻🇮🇱

Our Cause

The Israeli conflict has sparked a wave of American volunteers who are ready to stand with Israel. These selfless individuals, often the breadwinners for their families, make tremendous sacrifices. They put their lives on the line, leaving behind their jobs and livelihoods to answer the call to action. We aim to ensure that they can focus on their mission in Israel without worrying about the burden of debilitating debt upon their return.

Our Commitment

At American Families for Israel, we are committed to:

Financial Assistance: We provide financial support to volunteers who are the heads of households to ease the burden of expenses like mortgage payments, healthcare bills, and educational costs.

Community: We are a community driven organization through and through. Community through our volunteer administration, our donors, and the families our organization help. That community is the Jewish people and our unwavering support for Israel.

Advocacy: We build a community of like-minded individuals who understand the sacrifices of our heroes. We advocate for their rights and recognize their incredible dedication.

Our Values

  • Every single contribution is a lifeline to families in need, as 100% of your support goes directly to them.
  • We are a passionate volunteer group with no administrative overhead, ensuring your generosity has a maximum impact.
  • Our mission extends to covering essential expenses such as mortgages, utilities, and child care for eligible families.
  • We maintain a careful screening process to ensure help reaches those who need it the most.
  • While the families we support remain anonymous, we provide our cherished donors with weekly updates on how their kindness is making a difference.
  • Typically, we directly pay for crucial items like mortgages and electric bills to alleviate the burden.
  • DMF acts as our facilitator, enabling us to run our nonprofit seamlessly while maintaining a distinct identity, ensuring your trust and support are well-placed.


Your contributions go directly towards helping these volunteers and their families.

Spread the Word

Share our mission with your friends and family and encourage them to support this moral cause

Stay Informed

Misinformation plagues the world today. Make sure you understand the conflicts at hand and what is at stake. Advocate for your beliefs. Our voices are essential, as are our actions.

Together, We Can Make a Difference:

By supporting American Families for Israel, we can make a profound difference. Together, we can ensure that their sacrifice is met with gratitude, support, and a brighter future.

Join us in empowering these heroes and their families. Together, we can stand for Israel. AY’C
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